


Dear Sirs,

1. We are pleased to announce that we intend to intensify our activities in your country.

▲ intensify vt. 加强,加剧

2. It is our serious and keen interest to realize such a development for our mutual benefit.

▲ keen adj. 渴望的,热衷的,热心的(#后接动词不定式或介词on), 低廉的,刺鼻的,激烈的。


(1)Buyers are keen to have your firm offers. 买家渴望获得贵方报盘。

(2)Please quote a keen price. 请报低价。★

(3)They are rather keen on trying out a sample shipment. 他们很想买一批样品试销。

▲ interest n. 兴趣,利益(通常使用复数形式),利息


(1)This suggestion is made in the interests of all parties concerned. ★


同学们可以将”α is made in the interests of β(α是照顾了β各方的利益而做出的)” 作为一个句型,尝试着多造几个句子。

(2)We agree to 60 days time L/C provided you pay interest for the period intervening.


▲ agree to: 同意;

to 后接同意的对象

▲ provided


▲ the period intervening (此)期间(#正式的商务用语)

▲【interest 表利息时的常用短语】

annual interest 年利息

compound interest 复利

credit interest 存息

interest bill 有息票据,计息票据

3. We are a trading company involved in import and export business throughout the world.

4. We belong to a group of companies establised during the turn of 20th century.


5. The attached statement will give you some more information which will surely be helpful to open business relations between us.

(1)The attached statement 表示:“附件中的内容”,属于比较规范的商务用法。


英语中建立商务关系,可以用动词 open。这样的用法相较于establish更简洁、轻松。

establish 的词意有”努力搭建”的意思,相较于open 从无到有的词意而言,略显压迫。

6. Within the activities of the company we have recently established a new department under the mangement of Mr. Eric Liang who has long experience in the Far East Trade since 1993.

【经典句型】α(部门)under the mangement of β(人等):β领导下的α部门。


在公司业务范畴内,我们建立了一个由Eric Liang先生领导的新部门。

Eric Liang先生从1993年起就一直对应远东业务,经验丰富。

7. This department is mainly interested in the import of products from your country especially in :

native produce and animal by-broducts

foodstuffs and chemical prodects …

(1)be mainly interested in:主要从事… (后接业务)


(2)especially in 可以后接典型的业务列表等。

8. However, we will also be active in export of chemicals and we invite your inquiries.

▲ inquiry n. 调查、询问、询盘(价)、要货

通常用”make inquires” 表示询问,很少使用其单数形式。





(1)We will make inquires about the business possibilities of this new product of yours.


(2)We will make inquiries at (of) the shipping company regarding the reason for the delay of the vessel.


(3)We thank you for your enquiry for carpets.


【提示】英语单词是表音结构,enquiry 和 inquiry 只是拼法不同,没有什么区别。

(4)At the moment there are only small enquiries for this class of good.



【提示】this class of good中的class表示“品类”

(5)We acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 30 enquiring for carpets. ★


▲ We acknowledge receipt of…



常用的商务句型是:We acknowledge receipt of…


▲ We have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your letter …

▲ We are in receipt of your letter of the 7th July…

▲ We have duly received your favour of the 5th May…

▲ We thank you for your letter of the 5th March…


9. We seriously hope that a voluminous and continuous business might be established and please rest assured that we are always doing our utmost to realize a good business relationship with you.

▲ voluminous adj. 广泛的,很多的

voluminous 是常见的正式用词。

【例句】The importance of the subject is suggested by a voluminous literature.





10. We would be very pleased to be of service to you and hope to submit to you our inquires soon.

▲ to be of service to you 是“为您竭诚服务” 的意思。属于比较正式的商务用语。

Yours faithfully


Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to announce that we intend to intensify our activities in your country. It is our serious and keen interest to realize such a development for our mutual benefit.

We are a trading company involved in import and export business throughout the world. We belong to a group of companies establised during the turn of 20th century. The attached statement will give you some more information which will surely be helpful to open business relations between us.

Within the activities of the company we have recently established a new department under the mangement of Mr. Eric Liang who has long experience in the Far East Trade since 1993. This department is mainly interested in the import of products from your country especially in :

native produce and animal by-broducts

foodstuffs and chemical prodects …

However, we will also be active in export of chemicals and we invite your inquiries.

We seriously hope that a voluminous and continuous business might be established and please rest assured that we are always doing our utmost to realize a good business relationship with you.

We would be very pleased to be of service to you and hope to submit to you our inquires soon.

Yours faithfully



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